
Standing for the First Time - Life as an Amputee

The wound vacuum comes off, the wound heals, now what?

It's time to wrap your brain around this new life.  It's time to get off the couch.   It's time to do physical therapy.  It's time to make a trip to see the prosthetist.  It's time to get fitted for a socket and first leg.  It's been long awaited...and it's time!

From the time Steve got fitted for his first socket, to when it was made and he got fitted for his first leg felt like an eternity.  I can't express to you the joy it gave me when on my birthday - on March 10, 2017 Steve stood on his own for the first time since the amputation.  What an amazing birthday present.  I'll never forget that moment either.  Unfortunately, I saw it for the first time via text.  I had already missed a bunch of work and had just started a new job just a few months before this all went down.  I sat there in my office with the biggest grin on my face, but with tears steaming down my face.  I'm in awe of this man, my dear hubby, who has endured a crap load of pain, discomfort, trauma, and sheer bad luck in the past couple months.  He's a rock and force to be recon with - this amputee thing has nothing on him.  I am so proud!

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