
Foundational Health

My belief is that we have the power within our choices to create the base for supporting our overall health and wellness.  Much like what we learned in elementary school, the foundation of our health starts with US...OUR choices.

I want to share with you the doTERRA Lifestyle Pyramid:

Get your body moving – Exercise.  I know, I know, this is not rocket science, but it’s super important. Regular physical activity can help to extend our lifespan.  Exercise can help with stress and energy among many other physical benefits too, so that’s a bonus.  Need a little energy boost to help you get moving?  Try my favorite quick trick – 2 drops of Peppermint and Wild Orange in the palm of my hands, rub together and inhale.  If you like to add a cooling sensation to your body, also rub your hands across your neck and shoulders.  Just be careful with the Wild Orange if you’re out in the sun, as it can be photosensitive – though I’ve never had an issue.

Close your eyes and mean it – Sleep.  If you’re not or haven’t ever struggled in this area I’m totally jealous.   Thankfully with the support of my doTERRA products I don’t struggle any more.  However, I still know millions of people are struggling.  Resting and managing our stress levels is probably one of the most overlooked areas of our overall well-being.  Getting quality (and enough) sleep can have such a positive effect on our health and mood.   If you’d like to know what helped me to finally sleep after nearly 2 decades reach out to me, I’m more than happy to share my life changing routine.

Clean it up! – Reduce Toxic Load.  What’s that supposed to me, Danette!?!  Oh, simmer down silly.  I’m not calling you a dirty-birdy, I’m referring to the environmental threats, chemicals and other synthetic crap that we’re exposed to.  Sometimes on purpose – cleaners, personal care products and perfume.   Sometimes inadvertently – food, air or other sources in our environment.  Thankfully doTERRA’s product line is far more than essential oils.   They’ve got a wide array of cleaning, personal care and skin care products as well as supplements that can really help us reduce the toxic loads in our homes.

You hold the power – Informed Self-Care.  This is where the daily use of your doTERRA essential oils and products really shine.  The key is to become more preventative in approaching our health vs always reacting to the newest ailment or exposure we’ve had.

Proactive Medical Care.  doTERRA healthcare initiative is all about developing a relationship with medical professionals so you can be proactive instead of reactive about your medical care.   This is an integrative approach.   No one is suggesting that our medical advancements aren’t astonishing.  We are our own worst enemy – our lifestyle is our greatest risk for chronic disease.  Have you heard about doTERRA’s Prime Meridian Clinics?  

These are simple steps you can take to gain some of that control back.  Are you ready?  Use these foundational steps in the doTERRA Lifestyle Pyramid to propel your health and lifestyle to a proactive, sustainable version that a good fit for you.

If you’re ready to get started, have questions or want to chat about your specific situation I’m here for ya!


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