
Support Body Systems with Oils pt.2

Last week we started talking about our eleven body systems and dove into the Cardiovascular, Digestive, Endocrine, Integumentary, Lymphatic and Muscular Systems. Here's a review of all of them.

11 Major Body Systems: 
Cardiovascular – maintain blood flow
Digestive – breakdown food into small molecules & controls waste
Endocrine – hormones: mood, growth, metabolism & reproduction
Integumentary – skin, hair & nails: protect body from invasion
Lymphatic – maintain fluid levels
Muscular – make voluntary & involuntary movement possible
Nervous – communication system
Reproductive – produce & nurture developing babies
Respiratory – absorbs oxygen & cleans gases from blood 
Skeletal – support structure, shape & movement
Urinary – filter blood, convert food to energy & eliminate waste

Today we're going to cover the last 5, looking at what the system does and highlight some of the essential oils you can use to support them. Please keep in mind that none of these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please seek help from a qualified medical professional if you have any serious conditions.

Nervous System – consists of a network of nerve cells and fibers that control the body’s internal environment by sending signals all throughout the body. This is what allows us to think, feel, process sensory information, and control our voluntary movements. The nervous system also helps regulate body temperature, is our memory recall and the mode in which we learn, and is responsible for our emotions. Using essential oils can benefit our nervous system tremendously by helping to bring our body into homeostasis, basically ensuring everything is “firing” properly - doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. They help calm the body, generate a positive mood, and even help neurons be more efficient while transmitting and receiving messages.


Reproductive System – consists of our genital organs, fluids, hormones and pheromones. When our hormones get our of whack you know things can get cra-cra for us, so it’s imperative that we keep things in check. Essential oils can be extremely supportive to your hormones, but some other tips are to consume health fats, watch your caffeine intake, get 7-8 hours of quality sleep, and move your body daily.


Respiratory System – consists of the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe. It basically acts as a filtration system allowing your respiratory system to move oxygen into the body while removing waste gases. When we breathe in, thousands of oxygen molecules travel through our nose and mouth, down the larynx and trachea, and into the lungs. Tiny appendages called cilia in our lungs secrete mucus as they move back and forth carrying dust and germs out of the lungs, which is expelled by sneezing, coughing, spitting or swallowing. Essential oils can support the respiratory system by easing symptoms caused by seasonal threats, soothe a scratchy throat, and minimize the effects of respiratory illnesses. 


Skeletal System - consists of the framework for which all organs and tissues depend on for proper placement and coordination – our shape and protects your internal organs. The skeletal system accounts for about 20% of the body’s overall weight. When there is an injury in the skeletal system, the use of essential oils can support and expedite the healing process and recovery time.

Urinary System – consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. It eliminates waste from the body, regulates our blood pH, and controls electrolytes and metabolites. Essential oils support the urinary system by helping to flush impurities, gently detoxing the kidneys and ensuring that we’re getting the most we can out of the food we eat.

Here's a recap of the eleven major body systems and a bonus doTERRA oil blend that you can use to support that system.

I hope you've enjoyed diving into the eleven major body systems and learning how you can use essential oils to support them. Please let me know if any of this triggered additional questions.


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