
Back to School - RECIPES

I believe now more than ever it's important to empower our youth with natural solutions. The level of toxicity in personal care products is unbelievable. The state of our world since March of 2020 has been less than ideal. And the stories of mental health issues continues to rise daily. Thankfully people are starting to open up, even high profile athletes in the Olympics. I know all we want is to throw our kids in a bubble and protect them forever, unfortunately that's not feasible, so instead make sure that you and the youth of the next generation are equipped with the necessary tools to help themselves.

Stepping off my soapbox, we can now move on to what you came here for - Back to School Recipes.

Can you remember back when you were going back to school? The first day jitters seem to exist whether it's your first day of kindergarten, middle school, or you're heading into your freshmen year in high school or even college. 

First Day Jitters - 10mL roller bottle
5 drops each: Balance, Serenity & Citrus Bliss
Top with carrier oil of choice (example: Fractionated Coconut Oil)

Directions: Roll on bottoms of feet, wrists, behind ears, and/or over heart. Can be reapplied as needed.

It's a known fact that daycares and schools are a germ factory, but then again so are our offices, the grocery store and, well, just about everywhere we go. It's a good idea to take a proactive approach to helping your immune system stay strong all the time, but especially when we're feeling a little low in energy and suffering some uncomfortable symptoms.

Immunity Booster - 10mL roller bottle
(half the recipe for kids 6-12, kids under 6 - use 1 drop of each per age and omit Oregano) 
10 drops each: Frankincense, Lemon, On Guard & Tea Tree
5 drops each: Oregano 

Top with carrier oil of choice (example: Fractionated Coconut Oil)

Directions: Roll on bottoms of feet every morning and/or evening. If using when already not feeling well, also roll on spine and reapply a few times a day.

Do your kids struggle getting up in the morning? Who am I kidding, you probably do too! Hahaha! If you need some sleep time habits and tips, let me know, but in the meantime give this roller or diffuser blend a try. Great as a mid-day pick-me-up too, mom!

Rise and Shine - 10mL roller bottle
(half the recipe for kids 6-12, kids under 6 - use 1 drop of each per age) 
10 drops each: Peppermint & Citrus Bliss (or Wild Orange)

Top with carrier oil of choice (example: Fractionated Coconut Oil)

Directions: Roll on wrists or palms and deeply inhale. Reapply as needed.

Note: This is a great diffuser blend for the morning too! Simply to 4 drops of Citrus Bliss (or Wild Orange) and 2 drops of Peppermint.

Speaking of diffuser blends, if you're house is a chaotic mess in the morning try diffusing this chill out blend in the kitchen or other common area where everyone will smell it and watch in amazement as those tantrums and attitudes melt out of the equation.

Chill Out - diffuser blend
2 drops each: Bergamont, Green Mandarin, Lavender & Lemongrass

Nothing is worse than coming home from a long day at school (or work) and having to focus on more work; be it homework, the family budget, cooking dinner, you name it. Energy and focus is low, but that's exactly what you all need.

Homework Helper - diffuser blend
2 drops each: Peppermint, Wild Orange & Rosemary

You've finally got everyone in the house into a routine and things are going pretty well, that is until someone, starts crying and rubbing at their ear. Ish! If you want to try natural solutions before making that dreaded trip to urgent care try making this ear discomfort blend now and having it ready to go "just in case" you need it. In a pinch if you haven't prepped the roller blend, try a couple drops of Tea Tree on a cotton ball and rest the cotton ball on the ear for 30 minutes or as long as the kiddo will lay still. Wink.

Ear Discomfort - 10mL roller bottle
(half the recipe for kids 6-12, kids under 6 - use 1 drop of each per age) 
10 drops each: Basil, Tea Tree & Lavender

Top with carrier oil of choice (example: Fractionated Coconut Oil)

Directions: Roll behind ear and on earlobe every 3-4 hours until discomfort has subsided.

My son is going into high school and thankfully I haven't had to deal with those little creepy crawlies that like to nest on scalps. (My head literally just starting itching as I type this.) However, I lived in Texas for a bit when I was little and I remember my mom and I sitting on the balcony and her picking at my head and treating it with a potent store bought solution. So, if you're faced with this unfortunate circumstance try this school hair spritz

School Hair Spritz - 2oz spray bottle
10 drops each: Peppermint, Tea Tree & Rosemary

Top with Witch Hazel (or FCO)

Directions: Spray on scalp/hair 4x daily

I'm doing a little mini-series for back to school - this week was recipes and in the coming weeks I'll be give you back to school for snacks and product suggestions specifically with our kids in mind. If you're not already subscribed to my blog hit the subscribe and you'll be emailed every week (typically Saturday) when the new post comes out.

As always don't hesitate to reach out with any specific questions.


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