
8 Healthy Habits You Should Try

Living a healthy lifestyle is important to maintain your physical and mental health. And while the idea of living a healthy lifestyle may be appealing to you, sometimes it can be intimidating and often feel unattainable. Luckily, you don’t have to completely overhaul your life in order to be healthy. All you need are a few simple changes to form healthy habits and live a better, healthier life.


Lack of sleep can affect your focus and energy level, plus it can put you at higher risk for chronic health problems like obesity and diabetes. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night so you feel refreshed and energized for the day ahead. My Top 3 Tips for getting enough sleep: develop a consistent bedtime routine, reduce screen time before bed, and diffuse an essential oil, like Cedarwood or doTERRA Serenity® Restful essential oil blend . Given that I suffered with insomnia for over 20 years, I consider myself an expert on sleep. Check out my Free 10 minute Sleep Webinar.
Water is essential for not only keeping your cells hydrated but also flushing out toxins. A good rule of thumb when determining how much water you should drink is to drink half of your body weight (lbs) in ounces. My Top 3 Tips for drinking more water: set reminders or use an app on your phone to help you with tracking and reminders (hydration tracking is just one of the features in the Wellness Spoiled app – COMING SOON!), carry water with you wherever you go, and add flavor to your water – I like using essential oils. Lemon is one of my favorites.
Fruits and vegetables are key for getting the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs and it helps prevent major health problems. Eat a variety of colors and aim for at least 5 servings per day (a serving is about ½ cup, cooked). My Top 3 Tips for eating plenty of fruits and vegetables: have them on hand, make them apart of every meal, and use supplements to support your efforts. I’ve personally found doTERRA Lifelong Vitality supplements and Greens to be extremely beneficial.
Exercising is essential for staying healthy and promoting general wellbeing. Incorporate 20-30 minutes of active exercise into your day at least 3 days a week. My Top 3 Tips for exercising regularly: set realistic goals as part of an exercise routine, have an accountability partner, and have holistic tools on hand to support your sore, tired or achy muscles and joints when you overdo it. I have lots of suggestions for this, but my personal fav that’s super easy to use with little to no explanation is doTERRA Deep Blue® Stick.
Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin” and it is necessary for proper functioning of the body. It helps the body absorb calcium, strengthens our immunity, regulates cell growth, reduces inflammation, supports hormones, and plays an important role in our mental health. My Top 3 Tips for getting enough vitamin D: spend at least 10-15 minutes outside in direct sunlight, consume foods high in vitamin D (ex: eggs, fish, cheese), and use a light therapy lamp when you’re unable to get it naturally either because of weather or extenuated circumstances.
Sugar provides little nutritional value and can lead to health problems like obesity and diabetes. Limit sweets and processed foods that contain added sugar. My Top 3 Tips for limiting added sugar: use natural sweeteners (ex: honey, maple syrup, stevia), reduce your intake of processed and packaged foods and drinks, and use a holistic tool to support your efforts. Peppermint essential oil is known to help curb those sugar cravings. Or you can try my new fav tool – doTERRA MetaPWR® Metabolic essential oil blend.
Constant phone use can increase stress and lead to decreased productivity. Unplug for a few hours each day and enjoy activities that don’t involve screens (exercise, in-person conversations, reading). My Top 3 Tips for unplugging from technology: calendar in the time/activity, spend more time outdoors, and equip yourself with holistic tools that support your body when you find yourself struggling with this one. For example, blue light blocking glasses and/or EMF neutralizers.

Self-care is important for your physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Self-care is a subject I’m beyond passionate about! I believe that you are doing many forms of self-care every day but you’re not viewing it as such. Self-care is a personal journey, so I’m not going to give you my top 3 tips for this one. I will simply share that once you can reframe what self-care is and means to you – beyond going to the spa or taking a bubble bath, you’ll be more likely to do even more of it. I do have a holistic tool to help you with this – the Wellness Spoiled app. As of this post (end of May 2023) it’s set to launch any day now. Check out what you can expect to find in the app here.

Creating and maintaining healthy habits is important for leading a fulfilling and balanced life. It doesn't have to be a tough thing to do, simply start with these 8 healthy habits: getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, getting enough vitamin D, limiting added sugar, unplugging from technology and, in my opinion, most importantly taking time for yourself via self-care activities that fit your lifestyle. 

I’m here to support your wellness journey and can help you build a self-care routine filled with all sorts of holistic tips and modalities. 


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