
Pregnancy & Essential Oils

I thought with February, aka love month, being last month it might be a good time to start prepping you for using essential oils during pregnancy.  Tee-hee!  And if you're like me, no matter how old you are you seem to always run into or know someone who is prego.  So feel free to share!

I wasn't fortunate enough to have essential oils in my life when I was pregnant.   My son was already nine by the time essential oils graced my world.  Boo!  I'm certainly glad to have them now, but man would it have been nice if I would have been blessed with them back then.  Anyway I don't want to bore you with a lengthy post about it, doTERRA has a beautiful blog post about How to Use Essential Oils During Pregnancy, so instead I thought I'd give you an ebook, downloadables and graphics to help you throughout the stages of pregnancy, including post prego help.  Next week I'll give you some tips on using essential oils with babies.

FYI, I'm NOT pregnant and I use all of those daily, with the exception of Green Mandarin and Deep Blue, I still use them, just not daily.  

Having a baby is a wonderful life-changing event.  It also the start to realizing our bodies were meant for so much more than we could have ever imagined.  This download: Postpartum with doTERRA Essential Oils should help you navigate some of those; milk supply, depression, stretch marks and more.

The last thing I'll leave you with for now are The Five Essential Oils Nursing Mama's Need to Know.

I hope this helps you (or a friend).  If you have questions, I'm always available to help guide you.  And trust me, if I don't know the answer I will help you find it.  I love learning!


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